Thursday, October 10, 2019

The big "A" Word



    First of all it's not the "A" word you are probably thinking  about. Anxiety is the word that I am choosing to talk about in this post. I know its been months since I have been on here but I feel that I need to talk about something real instead of posting perfectly posed pictures, with cute outfits and pretty makeup. Although that is what I want to do also on this blog, I have been wanting to write about this for a while. and this blog is sort of my journal, my place to just write and talk about whatever is on my heart. 

 Disclaimer: I am a human being and in no way a professional when it comes to anxiety. I am going to list a few things that have worked for me, but make sure you evaluate yourself first because what I do, may not work for you. Also if you are severely anxious and think you may need help and are feeling that you may harm yourself or anyone else: call this number immediately and get the help you need. 1-800-273-8255. I, myself have never called this number before but I probably should have a few times several years ago before I had a little better latch on controlling my emotions. I'm going to include the definition of anxiety and link where I found it.

  Experiencing some anxiety is normal in this day and age where there are a lot of demands and expectations on one, however, there are people who are more susceptible to an anxiety disorder and there still is not any evidence as to where the true cause comes from. I have never been diagnosed with anxiety, but I do know that I have experienced some of the symptoms listed on the Mayo Clinic site.  

 Sometimes it comes out of nowhere, and its difficult to explain to someone who does not have anxiety along with depression, how or what is going on in the mind. For me it seems like my mind is attacking me and making a mole hill into a mountain about everything and it's on a fast track down hill with no breaks. it hits me like a ton of bricks and I cannot mentally and physically get myself out of it. I found a note that I wrote on my phone 3 years ago in October, describing what I was going through at that time. and reading it again made me shiver. I'm going to include it in here for you to read so that you may get a glimpse into what I go through. Since then I have not had it so bad, and will list the things that I have done that have helped me stay on top of it. I do still get anxious and have moments but coming out of them is a lot quicker now and I don't tend to allow myself to become immobile. 

   "Trying to explain to someone anxiety/depression is like trying to explain colors to a blind person. The words may be heard but not understood. It's not your fault you don't understand. I just don't want people to think I'm a psychopath. I'm a prisoner of my own mind, chained down by strings that have thickened to chains over the years. Little do I realize that I have the resources to burn those rope-chains. They are so close to me I can reach out and grab them, every time I try a chain comes out of no where and wraps around my throat-suffocating me causing me to withdraw from help. The chains that hold me down are named: lack of self confidence, socialization, simple activities of daily living, low self esteem... to name a few. I constantly feel the pressure of an invisible microscope hanging over my head, there's a shadow in the corner of my box constantly whispering in my ear words of self doubt,  reminding me I'm imperfect, giving me high expectations to meet only to laugh with a sound so sinister when I fall down. I'm  surrounded by walls they are glass but my eyes only see the impossibility for getting out. I have a problem for every solution.There is a rock that I can reach called hope. Every time I try to step off the square I'm standing on with bold lettering on it called anxiety, ropes shoot up and restrain my arms. Outside the walls I hear my loved ones and friends asking how they can help offering their sympathy and support in so few words they are snatched away as they barely touch my ears-by that damn shadow that stands behind me, in front of me. All around me. The words REALITY and IMAGINATION etch across the space in front of me-  blurring together they become hard to recognize.My heart is pounding even as I type this out.  Sometimes I can get out of this space, I can motivate myself to get out of bed, go on a run, even eat food but when the endorphins kick in from a good run the demons are temporarily chased away, then somehow out of nowhere i realize I'm still attached to a chain- when I start to feel hope- temporary relief gets ripped from my grasp as if it was never there. The cry for help only a ghost on my lips. I am a shell of the person I used to be and I feel that I never can be again.....hollow and empty with the proper organs to look alive but when I find myself a prisoner in my own mind-I don't even know how there is life in me. I feel broken, weak and scared. Because I don't feel like i have the ability to control when I spiral down into the prison in my mind. This is the best I can explain it. It's easy for me to compare my life to others because my mind warps my perception of others lives and i see only perfection and I assume that their life is perfect. I try to compete because I want to be seen as a normal person, I desire acceptance, but fail to accept it when it's given. Self-doubt and fear are constantly reminded of me. My imperfections feel as if they are always on display. Im afraid to tell people this because I'm afraid that I will be cast off as weak and mental and I will be abandoned with medications pushed at me. I don't want to become dependent on medicine but I don't know how else to get relief. I want It. SO.BAD. I feel like I'm suffocating even now trying to explain this-because it is a form of a cry for help." 

  I cannot even remember what happened to trigger this, but obviously I was struggling, and clearly it was nothing. Because I do not even remember it now. I have something written in a notebook somewhere that I also wrote, explaining my depression and anxiety at the time when I felt trapped. This is not easy for me to be open about but I feel that it is such a common thing and not everyone likes to talk about it. Just this past Friday I had a horrible day at work, it was a day that I haven't had in a very long time, a day where you question your career/job choice constantly. I was angry, and I wanted to cry. I could feel myself slipping into a place where it would be difficult to come back from. I prayed. I told myself that it would be all over in 12 hours. my patients were alive, and it was going to be okay. But somehow still I could not get myself out of the mental funk and it made the day so much worse. It is a choice to let things out of our control, control us. I'm going to list some ways over the past year or so  that I have done in order to get a better hold on my mind. Remember, I am not a professional, this works for me, and I still stumble and fall. 

  • Prayer/medidation: this is the biggest thing that helps me, and also for some reason the hardest thing for me to do, which is why I listed it first. When I talk to God, it seems silly at first talking to the air, but really I am talking to something much more palpable than air. I am very informal with these kinds of prayers and they don't start with "our father which art in heaven", they start with "oh God, help me, I..."  And because I believe He hears me, and that He is the creator of the universe, that my anxiety goes away and I am able to think clearly again. I do not always use this method first but I am trying to. 

  • Exercise: This is one I struggle with, but I am motivated with. It's hard to explain, especially now that I have a 9 month old- it just seems harder for me to physically get out of bed early and get the day started. I used to be much more of a morning person, and it was easy for me to get up and go at 6 am on a run, or 0430 and get a 3 miler in before work. Not anymore. I have learned to constantly hit snooze, and it is a horrible habit that I am struggling to quit! But, that being said, I get my workouts in because I know how good I will feel when I am done. For me my go to exercise is running. I am not a professional but I have done a half and also a 10k. I know I can go the distance, but I have just worked back up to going 3 miles postpartum. This morning I really needed to blow off yesterdays steam so I had my workout gear laid out on the counter and my running shoes ready to go the night before, and even though I did not go at 6 am, I went. and I felt incredible. It is free therapy, the endorphins kick in, and you feel better about everything while getting the benefit from the exercise. I also made a deeper connection with God, and let Him carry me on His shoulders. 
Shorts don't have this color in stock anymore, but I wear size 6!
Top: wearing a size 4, they do not have this navy blue in stock anymore.
(plus this picture is also 2 years old)
  • Make a list of the good things in your life: this is a newer one for me, but I did it friday night after I cried when I got home from work. I asked Kirby to help me list the things, out loud,  that we have currently that are good, and a blessing. We have a roof over our heads, we have a comfortable bed, we have a lock on our door, a healthy and perfect baby with no issues, and the list literally goes on. I have everything I need, and then some. I have nothing to be anxious about. I have money in the bank, not a lot, to cover bills and groceries. God has blessed me, so why do I throw it back in His face when I become worried about something that I do not have at this moment?

  • Breathe: easier said than done, but we as humans do not really truly breathe as much as we should. This doesn't mean the natural breathing that keeps us a live and one we do not have to think about, but this is the taking a slow deep breath in through your nose, holding it, and then releasing it. It helps oxygenate your brain, which helps you pause from your panicked thinking, which resets your focus for a few minutes. The apple watch as a cool feature that notifies you every hour to breathe, or you can set it to however often you want to be notified. 

  • Talk to someone:  I believe that it is okay to seek professional help, because they can give you more tools to work through your anxiety because they have a degree in mental health. I did counseling for a year, and would do 1-4 sessions a month. It really helped me, it was always on the phone but she was very professional, and she is SDA, which is what I wanted. I wanted someone with similar religious views that would help me. I also wanted a woman, I felt more comfortable talking about personal stuff with her. Her name is Jennifer Jill-Schwirzer if you need anyone! I am probably going to go back to talking to her because she is just such a genuine person. if you want to you can let her know that you heard about her here in my blog. (not sponsored in any way!). 

  • Drink Water:  I find that when I am well hydrated that I feel better, I feel less tired, and less anxious because my organs have the water they need to function and my brain is able to keep floating in my head. The water needs are different per person based on weight, and activity level. there are lots of tools on google that you can calculate your water needs with. I typically try to drink 40-60 oz. When I do that I feel so good! even when it seems I have to pee every 10 minutes. 

  • Medication: This is the last resort for me, because antidepressants can be highly addictive and difficult to wean off of. I am currently taking a medication every night but I have tapered the dose down slowly. DO NOT do so without the advice of a Doctor. Also DO NOT seek medications without consulting a healthcare professional. I started taking a medication back in February of this year, because I was a fresh new mom and my anxiety and depression was out of control. I had never expected motherhood to be so much all at once. I felt scared, lonely, trapped, and I was definitely sleep deprived. I scheduled my postpartum apt a whole two weeks early just so I could be prescribed something to help. I avoided medications for so long, and I was so set against it. But now 9 months later, I am so glad I did what I did. It protected me, but ultimately my daughter. I am taking a 3rd of the dose that I started out with now because I feel strongly enough about not taking it the rest of my life. The weening has brought on some hard times again and some physical side effects,  but they are no where near what they used to be. I am seeking more natural and holistic things to take instead of chemicals. Drinking a lot of water, eating more fresh veggies and fruits, lavender lotion, peppermint, etc. 

  • SLEEP: if you sleep well, than you will be able to have more mental focus and energy. also when you feel an anxiety attack coming on, following the above steps and then when you feel like you have calmed down, lay down to rest, if applicable. I've never really been a great napper, but I have been training myself to take naps during the afternoon while Saelah is asleep, I set my alarm for 20 minutes and when I wake up, I feel completely refreshed. The longer I sleep the more tired I feel. My mom snapped this picture of me napping with Saelah when she came to stay with us in April. ❤️

   So there you have it. If you know me, you know that I can blow things out of the water very easily, and that I compare my life to others successes very quickly. But I hope this gives you a little closer look at who I am and what I deal with on a daily basis. It's taken me a while to comes to terms with it, but once you admit to it, you are already on the path to success. I am no expert, like I said, but these eight things have really been my saving grace. I want to share with you my favorite bible verse, I have repeated it over 1000 times I am sure. But it is incredible what happens when you utter God's name. The devil has to flee! 

"Be Anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God that passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6,7. 

I took this at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens about 5 years ago. 

   You are not alone. Feel free to reach out to me, I will pray for you or with you, I will help you see that your anxiety is something that can be handled. I still struggle but I can manage a lot better than I used to. 


    PS: I'm going to try and post on here more often! As always I am open to ideas on what to

 post about. 💋

Friday, June 21, 2019

Current Wish List


   Hey ya'll! it has been forever since I have been here.
 A LOT has happened since my last post but I won't go into all the details so we can get this post started. There are a few things that I have been eyeing for a while that I have been swooning over, hoping to make mine. I created a birthday (my 28th!) wish list on Pinterest and have told my husband and other family members about it so that they know what I am looking for specifically. So without further ado, let's get started!

 I have never really been good at styling my hair. But within the last year I have been experimenting more and a coworker let me borrow her curling iron. I was able to style my hair a few times with it and loved how it looked. So then when she needed it back I stopped practicing. I have seen all of the top bloggers raving about this one, so I figured I would add it to my wish list. It is super pricey but apparently worth it! Also I love the rose gold and white coloring. 

                                  Tory Burch Miller Sandal

     I already own a pair of these beauties in the brown color. These sandals scream high fashion and its amazing because they are actually pretty basic. I suppose that is why every girl wants a pair. I have had mine for going on 5 years, yes 5 years. I purchased them before I was married and knew that it would be a VERRRRY long time before I would be able to purchase another pair. I have made an extra point to take good care of them. I would love another pair now, but in black. I feel that with black they wouldn't look as dirty as easily. I wear size 6, FYI ;) they are quite comfy too which is an added benefit. 


   I have been wanting one of these for YEARS, but have never come down to actually buying one. Was hoping it would have been gifted to me by now. I suppose if I do not get one this birthday I will ask for it for Christmas. I am eyeing either the white or light pink Mia 1. 

                          I own a few pairs of these but I want solid colors. I have some watermelon pink ones and black with white stripes. So on my wish list is black and moonwalk. These shorts are so comfy and so stylish! Even though they are pricey, they are well worth it! I wear size 4.

                                        Cactus Pajama Set

                Lately I have had a thing for cacti! it has been on trend for a few months now, maybe even longer. I wanted to do my daughter's nursery in cacti and llamas but my husband was not so on board with that idea. (will do a nursery reveal post soon when we have all of it set up ;) ) I currently have my eye on this one, but if you know of any others that may be cheaper, I am always up for suggestions!

     Leopard is considered a neutral in my book! I have been wanting a pair of these heels for a while now, and honestly I want them in nude also! 

A couple of my co-workers have this necklace with their children's initials and I just think that it is so cute and so classic! I would love the rose gold with an S for Saelah my sweet baby girl. It is on the higher end price-wise (I guess I have expensive taste) but it will last forever and you can add more letters by sending it back and paying 60$ for an addition. I think that the 16" length is perfect and would not get in the way and will go with any outfit, I don't wear necklaces much anymore because my 5 month old grabs everything and I don't like it when her tiny fingers get caught up in the chain. 

I recently found this and thought it was so cute and affordable too! now that I have a daughter I am obsessed with her name and want to put it on everything and wear it. I believe a size 5 would fit and I am hoping that she can do Saelah Rose. (which I just checked and she can!) I personally LOVE Etsy and have purchased many things from there. 

   If you are a normal human being these days, having a new phone is a priority. I am a little biased towards iphones because it is all I have ever had since getting into the smartphone business in 2012 (started late) I currently have the iphone 7 and I have had it for going on 2 years. I love the rose gold and unfortunately it is not offered in the newer phones, but I would settle for the white one. I just think that the iPhone just looks so classy and sleek. and my current phone hardly holds a charge anymore. I'm also very ready for the camera upgrade too! 

Vanity Mirror

   I have been getting into makeup a lot more lately and I am wanting a better mirror with natural light to get ready in. This one I found on Amazon is super affordable and is the perfect size for my counter top. I love how sleek it looks and easy to assemble. A friend of mine from work actually has one similar and her makeup always looks so amazing and on point. 


  I have had my eye on sigma brushes for YEARS. I own 2 of them and they are at least 4 years old. I love how classy these brushes are and all the famous makeup artists rave over them. They are top notch and so smooth, makeup is applied flawlessly. 
  My wish list has a few more items on it that you can find on my Pinterest page. I want to wrap this post since it has literally taken me a few weeks to finish it. #momlife. What's on your wishlist? I hope that I can get at least one item on it this year. I hope to be able to write faster posts and aim for posting once a week! let me know what else you would like me to blog about. :)


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Current Morning Skincare Routine


Hi ya'll! Oh my gosh I cannot believe that it has been OVER a year since I have gotten on here. How in the world did I do that? I don't even know if anyone is following me but that's okay. I let life pass me on by and I have been busy. I'm going to try and make myself get on here once a week or so to post new things. May it be weekly favorites or an outfit roundup of the week, who knows. I was even thinking of blogging about the recent mission trip to Honduras I went on last month. I journaled about the trip but I wanted to type it out since it would be more legible. Any who this will be a quick post! 

  • Step one: get out of bed and grab some coffee. I am OBSESSED with coffee mugs, this one is my current favorite: I purchased it Here one of my favorite boutiques! 

  • Step two: wash my face. I've used several face washes but recently in the warmer spring months I've been LOVING this one from Simple. I love how it froths up so perfectly when its rubbed in. I splash on some cold water (to help me wake up) then squeeze a small amount onto my fingers (a little goes a long way) rub my hands together and then rub it all over my face. This face wash is so lightweight and doesn't leave my face feeling super dry when I rinse it off. my face feels so fresh!  You can find this brand at any drugstore, and I believe Ulta sells it too. its budget friendly, and I believe it's safe for all skin types, and you can find it Here . After I rinse, I dry my face off with a different towel then I use to dry my hands after washing them. (this is a new habit I've recently been getting myself into. 


  • Step Two: Facial radiance pads. I am currently out of this (just ran out yesterday) but I love these so much. they make my face feel even more fresh after washing and give me this over all natural glow that I think is so beautiful. they are not exactly cheap but well worth the purchase and I love every product I have ever used from First Aid Beauty. you can find them Here. I am pretty much obsessed with Sephora so I will link typically to that site. You can also find them at Ulta  if you prefer that store. I do not think there is a price difference but they only sell the 60 ct.  I had the 28 pad count so that is what I linked. I may just go ahead and purchase the 60 pad count today when I go out and run some errands. 

  • Step Three:  First Aid Beauty Caffeine Matcha Wake UpWipes. I usually do one or the other. Not both. If I am feeling extra tired I will wipe my face with these. I first heard about them from one of my favorite bloggers, Caitlin Covington (go read her blog!) and I fell in love with them. I am a RN and on those early 4 am mornings these are a life saver in addition to coffee. She does a blog post on them I believe but I wanted to mention them too because they are so wonderful. After you wipe them on you get this tingling feeling all over your face, but its not unpleasant. My skin literally starts to feel that I am waking up! I purchased mine Here and they are quite budget friendly as well! Like I've said before, I love this brand so much! 

  • Step Four: Kiehls Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado. I am not sure if there is a rule out there that you have to do your eye cream before face moisturizer but this is how I do it and I do not notice a difference if I do one or the other before. I just feel that it makes more sense to apply it before, so that you can get the full effect of the cream. I purchased the smaller container because it is pricey, but I've had it since the beginning of January and it hasn't run out. a little goes a long way with this also. I dab a little under my eyes with my index finger than pat it in with my ring finger (supposedly there is a rule for using this finger) from inner corner and out across my occipital bone. I love eating avocados so I figured I would love this cream and sure enough I do! it is very thick but it seeps in and doesn't feel heavy at all. my lines have definitely soaked it in and they do not look as prominent. I purchased mine Here. I did have a gift card so that helped me justify the price, but it is worth it! I want to let you all know why I always use Sephora, I am a VIB there and it just makes sense for me to keep building points and I also have the Flash two day shipping (since I do not live close to an actual store-boo Savannah!). 

  • Step Five: Jergens Natural Glow Face Daily Moisturizer. This is my final step in my morning routine. It doesn't take as long as this post has taken to type out though ;) I have been using this since March because my arms being exposed to the sun have gotten more color in them and so I wanted my face to catch up. I love this stuff because it smells pleasant and I also love the body moisturizer. It took a few weeks for me to notice my face tone darkening, but if you don't mind the wait its not so bad. the formula is light and even has SPF 20 in it which is an added bonus in my opinion. I always use a face moisturizer with an SPF in it, because that part of your body is the first to wrinkle with age and sunburns and damage do not help keeping that at bay for a few more years! I use Fair to Medium because I do not think that I need much more than that.  I purchased mine Here. A small amount goes a long ways, and don't forget to put it on your neck! 

Well this concludes my first post in over a year, on my new blog. I hope that I can receive some feedback, but just let me know if you have any suggestions or questions! thank you for stopping by. 

                 XOXO, Rebekah 


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lipsticks I'm Obsessing over

Lets talk about lipstick, its been around for ages and women all through time have swiped this stuff on their lips and have made a statement. I have not always been into lipstick but over the past two years I've really come to love it, to obsess over it. It gives me a confidence that I cannot explain, it gives me a feeling of independence and boldness. today I'm going to talk about some of my favorites.
I use all of these at some point and some more than others, depends on what mood I'm in. My collection is small in comparison to some! Also this is just what I like to call my "classic" lipstick collection. I have lip crayons, lippie stix,  liquid lipsticks, lip glosses, and matte lip paints.  I can do a separate post on those depending on if you'd like me to share them as well! I'll link them all below in the order I posted them. 

  • Maybelline Matte lipstick no. 657: Nude Nuance

this color is sooo pretty, I received it from a friend back in December because I saw her wearing it and immediately had to ask what it was. Its a beautiful nude color on the warmer side with hints of browns and reds. I call it a "spicy" nude because it reminds me of cinnamon. depending on the look you want add layers or just one, it is matte too which makes it (in my opinion) better. 
  • Covergirl Colorlicious lipstick no. 240: Caramel Kiss

I bought this one a while back because I had my eye on it. I wanted a really pretty nude to wear with anything for any occasion. Can't go wrong with nudes ;) this is not a matte lipstick but I love how soft and creamy this one is. its got a little hint of peach and pink in it. I love this lipstick but could go without the smell, it has a sweet sort of soapy smell but its not too bad after you put it on. it does not linger. 
  • Milani Color Statement Moisture Matte Lipstick no.64: Matte Orchid
I bought this color last spring because I was looking for something bright and beautiful and I got both with this purchase! this lipstick was my go-to all summer long because it's the perfect fushia pink for any occasion. I wore it on dates, out with friends, weddings, and lots of other things. the formula is so amazing, its soft, creamy, doesn't dry out your lips, and the smell is very pleasing. it's a little more on the sweeter side and reminds me of cocoa butter. 
(the picture doesn't do this color justice, its much more bold and bright!)
  • Nyx Matte Lipstick no.08: Pure Red.
I bought this over a year ago when I was on the search for the perfect red, I believe I found it on someone's blog (sorry I forgot who you are, otherwise I would link you!) and went out to buy it for myself. Nyx is very affordable and I have not regretted this purchase. You can find Nyx anywhere now at major stores. I got this one at Ulta. This red is the PERFECT red in my opinion and true to its name. its bright, perfectly matte and makes your teeth look white. (I believe that means it has a blue base?) either way it's the red I go to for everything. no lie there. 

  • Bite Beauty Matte creme Lipstick: Plum

My most expensive and higher end lipstick. I bought this one fall 2015 when I was looking for the perfect berry color to transition into the holiday and winter season. I also loved this look for the fall. these lipsticks are amazing, and a little more pricey. (I'll link it below) not sure if this color is available anymore it was part of a collection called 'Frosted Berries'  but I'm sure Bite Beauty has some that are pretty close. I should have purchased more from the collection. I go through phases where I'll buy a lot of things then won't for a while. a beautiful berry color indeed! I purchased this one at my favorite store: Sephora. 

  • Milani Color Statement Moisture Matte Lipstick no.74:Matte Darling
Looking for the perfect dusty rose matte pink? look no further! as you saw above, these lipsticks are a dream. and very affordable. I knew I loved this brand so I wanted to try another color. I was looking for the perfect pink. and found it. again this formula is beautiful. and the matte is perfect. you gotta try it out!
  • Covergirl Colorlicious Lipstick no. 300: Garnet Flame.
Ya'll I cannot even begin to explain this color, its pink, its red, its perfect. I saw this color first advertised by Ingrid Nilsen a girl who has a YouTube channel, Twitter, and Instagram page that you need to follow! she's so inspiring to me. Anyways she mentioned this on one of her videos and I immediately went out to find it. It's sold at any store that sells Covergirl. it  is stunning. perfect for any occasion. The formula is amazing too, as mentioned above. 
Again the photo doesn't do it justice. I'm still getting used to making my photos reflect the quality of the product! bear with me :)

Last, but not least.
  • Milani Color Statement Moisture Matte Lipstick no. 73: Matte Love.
When you first look at this color you'll notice its quite similar to my Bite Beauty one listed above. However, when you put it on its quite different. this one is considered a berry but it has more purple tones and my Bite Beauty one has more red tones. I bought this one last December when I was looking for the perfect wine statement lipstick for my best friend's wedding. I already knew I loved this brand and had been looking at this color for a while and wanted to try it. it ended up being more than perfect for the occasion. I took my Bite Beauty one as well and two of the other bridesmaids ended up using it! 

This concludes my first post on my new blog. I hope that you enjoy it and I can continue to stick with blogging and write more often! please give me feedback and also ask any questions you would like. I'm also open to trying new things, and am always looking for liptsticks. As you can see I also use very affordable brands because I know the average girl can't afford name-brand and high-end everything! as promised, I've linked the lipsticks down below. 

That's all for now, thanks for stopping by!

xoxo, Rebekah